Sign up to organize a station at STEAM Night being held on Thursday, January 30th, 2025 from 6-8pm at Buffalo Elementary! We are looking for hands-on activities to engage young minds in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math! We ask that you provide all materials. Students are welcome to show off a STEAM related project as well by signing up for a booth.


To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

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It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
STEAM Night Stations

S: Science
Organize a hands-on or "wow-factor" SCIENCE demonstration geared toward elementary school students. Examples include a Tornado in a Bottle, Kitchen Chemistry, Snowstorm in a Jar, and Planting Seeds
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
4 out of 4 filled.
Signed Up: Amie Jeffers-Hernandez (Station Title: Kitchen Science , Description: Ice cream and others to come , Person Running the Booth: Amie Hernandez and Lauren Malecki ), Shannon Parks (Station Title: Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory, Description: Join researchers from the University of Pittsburgh to study the water cycle! Students will play a dice game that takes them through the steps and stages of the water cycle. Multiple paper dice with different stages, inputs, and outputs of the water cycle will be created and utilized to showcase how water moves on land and water., Person Running the Booth: Megan Lange, Engagement Programs Manager, University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory), Chase Stephens (Station Title: Fingerprinting, Description: Kids will learn about fingerprints and the history of fingerprinting. They will also have the chance to roll and examine their own prints. , Person Running the Booth: Chase Stephens), Erin Witucki (Station Title: The Magic of Science, Description: Cohesion & gravity demo, air pressure with potatoes & balloons, invisible fire extinguisher, etc , Person Running the Booth: Erin Witucki & Kristen Fleming)

T: Technology
Organize a hands-on or "wow-factor" TECHNOLOGY demonstration geared toward elementary school students. Examples include Robots, Machine Learning, and 3D Printing
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 3 filled.
Signed Up: Shannon Parks (Station Title: Bot IQ, Description: students can operate robots, Person Running the Booth: Mark Dempster, Freeport Area Senior High School, Technology, Engineering and Design, Bots IQ Coach), Jonathan Yates (Station Title: Quasics Robotic Club, Description: Quasics is a high school robotics program, Person Running the Booth: Sean McMahon)

E: Engineering
Organize a hands-on or "wow-factor" ENGINEERING demonstration geared toward elementary school students. Examples include a Rocket Launcher, Materials of Construction, Water Quality Testing, Bridge Building, Boat Challenge, Snap Circuits, and Legos
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 3 filled.
Signed Up: Jacob Parks (Station Title: Hydraulic Machines, Description: Jacob will show his robotic claw that he built that uses hydraulics; We will have small hydraulic projects for students to build, Person Running the Booth: Jacob & Shannon Parks), Amber Stell (Station Title: Lego Challenges, Person Running the Booth: Amber Stell)

A: Arts
Organize a hands-on or "wow-factor" ARTS demonstration geared toward elementary school students. Examples include Flower Painting Cards, Tissue Paper Birds Nests, Homemade Straw Pan Flute, Suncatchers
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 3 filled.
Signed Up: Sharon Conner (Station Title: Pendulum painting, Description: Paint a collaborative mural using a pendulum while learning the science behind the pendulum., Person Running the Booth: Sharon Conner), Sara Jeffers

M: Math
Plan and run an Escape Room based on 4-6 math puzzles! Volunteers for this room need to coordinate together to develop the puzzles and escape room
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 3 filled.
Signed Up: Carrie Sofko, Larissa Yates

Night-of Volunteers

Sell drinks and hand out pre-ordered meals
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Tricia Reesman, Jessica Smouse

Sell basket raffle tickets
01/30/2025 05:00 pm
2 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Amy Swartzlander, Melissa Toncini

Hand out passports at the beginning and prizes at the end once students have all 5 STEAM categories punched on their passport
01/30/2025 05:45 pm
2 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Kathleen Brailey, Lindsay Gaworski